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Company News information Feb 04, 2024

"Endeavor to Improve,Rigorously and Efficiently to Take Responsibility"—— the 2023-2024 Annual Convention Summary and Start-up Meeting of SRON was Successfully Concluded

Auspicious signs around the world usher in an epoch of prosperity and flourishing, and all the blessings come together to welcome the New Year.On February 2nd in 2024, the 2023-2024 annual convention summary and start-up meeting of Henan SRON Silo Engineering Co., Ltd. was successfully concluded. Mr. Wen Peng, the Chairman of Company, and all the staff of the headquarters in Zhengzhou gathered together to share the fruitful results of 2023 and start a new chapter of development in 2024! Comrades from all branches of the company and project sites who are working hard at their posts participated in the meeting through network video.
The Year of the Dragon Begins with a New Life, Grandly Starts the Splendor
At the beginning of the annual convention, Mr. Wen Peng, Chairman of the Company, firstly expressed his sincere gratitude to the guests and all the staff who attended the event.He said, in 2023, in the face of the complex external environment, colleagues of SRON worked together to overcome difficulties and make breakthroughs with firm goals and the courage, and not only achieved significant growth in annual business performance, continuous improvement in brand influence, innovation and advancement in product technology, and efficient implementation of projects, but also optimized the company's performance appraisal and management mechanism, formulated international standards for project research and development and upgraded qualifications, thus delivering a satisfactory reply for FY2023.The achievements are inseparable from the timely adjustment of the company's strategic layout, and even more inseparable from the joint efforts of all staff. Looking ahead to 2024, Mr. Wen called on all of us to take the enterprise development strategy as the guide, take quality and service as the foundation,keeping in mind the original intention, firm belief, courageous to take up the responsibility, developing in innovation, and contributing to build a respected international industrial brand in the field of bulk material storage and transportation, export Chinese standard technology for the National "The Belt and Road" Strategy and realize the leapfrog and high-quality development of SRON!

Speech by Mr. Wen Peng, Chairman of the Company
Mr. Li Yuanquan, Assistant to Chairman of Board and Manager of the Business Department, Mr. Yang Gongxiao, Chief Engineer of Engineering Technology Center, and Mr. Yu Yongjun, Manager of the Human Resources Department, reported on the company's marketing work, project execution and bidding, and engineering and technological innovation, and the company's management work in the year of 2023 respectively.In terms of project works, as of January 31, 2024, the company executed 26 projects, of which 16 were under execution and 10 had been successfully completed. In terms of patented technology, 22 patents were applied for in 2023, of which 20 were utility models and 2 were inventions. Up to now, the company has obtained more than 80 patented technologies, and all the patent applications for 2024 are being carried out in an orderly manner.

Speech by Leaders
Excellent Role Models, Outstanding Employees
Role models lead the way for employees. In order to recognize the advanced teams and individuals with outstanding business performance in 2023, the company selected "Champion, Runner-up and 2nd Runner-up of Business Performance", "Technical Assurance Personnel", "Outstanding Project Execution Award", "Outstanding Construction Project Management Award", "Management Contributors", "Advanced Individuals" and "Excellence in Construction Project Management", "Excellent Construction Project Management Award", "Management Contributors", "Advanced Individuals" and "Exceptional Team" and other awards. The awards are not only the affirmation of the staff's performance, but also the inheritance and promotion of practical work of staff. By setting up advanced models and exerting the power of role models, the cohesion and competitiveness of staff were further strengthened. After the recognition ceremony, Chen Zifan, representative of the International Business Department, Li Yongxiang, representative of the Domestic Business Department, and Wang Leipeng, representative of the Technical Department, respectively shared their experiences, which drew a successful conclusion for this annual general meeting.

Annual Commendation

Experience Sharing
Work Together, Create Fruitful Achievements
Time always passes on the way of forward; a good life is always spent in the continuous struggle.In 2023, under the general economic downturn, SRON still remains united to achieve breakthrough development. Standing on the new starting line in 2024, SRON will continue to build the future with superb craftsmanship, and on the road of high-quality development, rise to the challenge and work together to create fruitful achievements!
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