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China leading EPC contactor for bulk materials storage and transportation projects
Company News information Jun 02, 2023

Famous Economist Wu Xiaoqiu and His Delegation Visited Henan SRON Silo Engineering Co., Ltd.

Recently, Wu Xiaoqiu, famous economist, financial securities research expert, former vice president of RENMIN UNIVERSITY of CHINA and Li Xingzhi, former party secretary and governor of China Guangfa Bank Zhengzhou Branch, member the Ninth CPPCC Committee of Henan Province visited our company. Wen Peng, general manager of SRON company warmly received and had in-depth exchanges and discussions with him.
Firstly, our General Manager Wen Peng warmly welcomed the arrival of Wu Xiaoqiu and his delegation, and introduced the development process, project overview, and development plan of SRON Company. He stated that since its establishment, SRON Company has taken the technical design, manufacturing, and construction management of engineering systems as its foundation. We have successively won honors such as National High-tech Enterprise, SMEs in Henan Province with Specialization, Refinement, Differentiation and Innovation, provincial IPR advantageous enterprises, and listed reserve enterprise in Zhengzhou .At present, SRON has obtained 78 patented technologies (including 8 invention patents), which not only forms its core competitiveness in the field of bulk material storage and transportation engineering, but also has a wide influence in the international silo engineering field.
Wu Xiaoqiu highly praised our company's achievements in the field of bulk material storage and transportation engineering. He pointed out that SRON's development strategy of "scientific and technological innovation to build an international brand" is worthy of affirmation. In the future, he hoped that SRON would continue to practice the principle of joint consultation, joint construction and sharing, and contribute more to the construction along the "the Belt and Road". Finally, Wu Xiaoqiu put forward professional suggestions for the development plan of our company's capital operation management from the perspective of capital market operation.
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