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China leading EPC contactor for bulk materials storage and transportation projects
Company News information Feb 22, 2023

Secretary General Wang Kaiwen and other members of Eurasian Economic Forum visited Henan SRON Silo Engineering Co., LtdSecretary General Wang Kaiwen visited SRON .

On February 19, Wang Kaiwen, deputy secretary general of the Eurasian Economic Forum, deputy secretary general of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, and former Chinese Ambassador to Kyrgyzstan, Georgia and Latvia, Chen Baojun secretary general of Mental Health Branch of China National Health Association, and secretary general of the Expert Committee of the Sino-German Communication & Cooperation Association, and other members went to the headquarters of SRON company for visit. Wen Peng, general manager of SRON company, gave a warm reception.
At the symposium, our general manager Wen Peng first expressed a warm welcome to the arrival of secretary general Wang Kaiwen and his colleagues, and introduced the development history, project profile and development plan of SRON. He said that since its establishment, the company has always been adhering to the core values of “technology creates the beauty of project”, taking high standards, internationalization and branding as the business philosophy, and deeply cultivating the field of bulk material storage and transportation engineering. With excellent technical strength and dedicated service quality, it has formed its own core competitiveness in the field of bulk material storage and transportation industry, and has a wide influence in the field of international silo engineering. He hopes to take this visit and exchange as an opportunity to integrate Chinese and foreign advantages and resources, increase the intensity of open cooperation, share development opportunities, and create a better future.
After listening to the introduction about SRON, Mr. Wang Kaiwen gave a high evaluation of the development of SRON, and put forward constructive and guiding opinions in combination with the international situation, national strategy, open exchange and cooperation, and strengthening coordinated development, further pointing out the direction for our overseas market expansion.

After listening to the introduction about SRON, Mr. Wang Kaiwen gave a high evaluation of the development of SRON, and put forward constructive and guiding opinions in combination with the international situation, national strategy, open exchange and cooperation, and strengthening coordinated development, further pointing out the direction for our overseas market expansion.
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