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Company News information Sep 07, 2023

“Rise to the Challenge,Overcome·Empower”——Henan SRON Silo Engineering Co., Ltd. Successfully Held 2023 Mid-Year Conference and Team Building Activities

In order to comprehensively review and summarize the work gained and lost in the first half of the year, and accelerate the work in the second half of the year, at the beginning of September 2023, SRON Company convoked the 2023 Mid-Year Summarizing Conference and Team Building Activity. The activity was themed with "Rise to the Challenge, Overcome·Empower", Mr Wen Peng, Chairman of SRON, and the headquarter employees participated in the activity.
At the mid-year conference, Mr. Wen Peng, Chairman of SRON, firstly summarized the first half year's work of the company and each department, affirmed the completion of the first half year's work of each department, and pointed out the shortcomings of each department's work and the direction of improvement. At the same time on the second half of the important work plan to give guidance and expectations, a clear direction and guidelines for the second half of the work. After that, Mr. Wen Peng analyzed the strategic development stage of the enterprise, as well as the internal and external situation currently faced. Mr. Wen Peng pointed out that the current development of the company is in a critical period of quantitative changes to qualitative changes, the first half of the year, despite the severe external market situation, but under the guidance of the company's mission and vision, SRON's staff is committed to contributing to customers, upholding the concept of creating value for customers, the company's all colleagues united in their determination to defy the difficulties, the courage to take on the role of the company, and still made a counter-trend rise in the performance of the substantial increase in the powerful growth situation.For the second half of the year, all colleagues should continue to work hard and take advantage of the momentum in order to exceed the company's goal of sprinting and fight with all their might!
In order to adapt to the company's new stage of development, the company made adjustments to the value system, “Customer success, Technology leadership, People-oriented, Built on Value, Pragmatic and Progressive" will be the new values of the people as a real glory concept, Mr. Wen Peng asked all colleagues in their respective jobs with their own practical behavior and pragmatic practice of the company's values. Finally, Mr. Wen Peng, in view of the severe market challenges faced by the enterprise in 2023, encouraged everyone to follow the company's established strategic policy, firm goals, rise to the challenge, and make unremitting efforts to complete the company's annual goals as soon as possible!
In the subsequent process of the conference, Li Yuanquan, assistant of Chairman of SRON and Business Department Manager, and Yang Gongxiao, Chief Engineer of Technology Department, reported respectively on the company's first-half marketing work, project execution and bidding, and scientific research and innovation. They said that through the joint efforts of everyone, the company successfully completed the first half of the established goals, domestic and overseas projects and scientific and technological innovation have achieved fruitful results. At present, the company in the implementation of nearly 20 projects, the completion of 9 projects. In terms of patented technology, 10 patents were applied for in the first half of the year, and 15 were authorized cumulatively (including the projects to be applied for in 2022), and various patent applications in the second half of the year are also in steady progress.
At the ceremony, the awards of "Outstanding Employee Award", "Technical Support Backbone Award", "Excellent Project Management Award", "International Market Performance Award" and other awards were presented.  Behind every honor, hard work and unremitting pursuit of SRON’s colleagues  were condensed, and the company's recognition and affirmation were also manifested. After the ceremony, Chen Zifan, representative of the International Business Department, and Li Yongxiang, representative of the Domestic Business Department, respectively shared their relevant experience.
At the same time, in order to deeply implement the company's 2023 annual new employees "Teaching, Helping and Leading" training implementation program, this activity was specially held in 2023 annual new employees to pay tribute to the ceremony, for the Technology Department, Business Department, the new employees arranged for professional mentors. The mentor is responsible for developing a detailed training and guidance program, and cultivating the new employees according to their abilities in the actual work, so that they can learn and exercise in the work practice, improve their business ability, and become elites of SRON as early as possible.
In addition, the company also organized a team building activities. Through this activity, improving the teamwork ability, strengthening the construction of enterprise culture, enhancing the communication and cohesion of enterprise workers, and also drew a successful conclusion for this activity.

In the first half of 2023, SRON employees with extraordinary courage and perseverance, all the way through the thorns and thistles, and achieved remarkable results, created a new development situation of SRON. In the future, under the correct leadership of Mr. Wen, Chairman of SRON, and with the joint efforts of all employees, SRON will ride the wind and smash the wave, hoist the sail and set to go, and march forward towards the goal of an international industrialized brand!
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