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China leading EPC contactor for bulk materials storage and transportation projects
Company News information Jul 25, 2023

SRON Participated in the National Full Text Compulsory Cement Factory Project Specification Standard Working Conference

Recently, National Full Text Compulsory Cement Factory Project Specification (hereinafter referred to as the Specification) standard work conference was successfully held by Tianjin Cement Industry Design & Research Institute Co.,Ltd. The meeting was chaired by Wang Liqun, Director of National Construction Materials Industry Standard Quota Station.Fan Surong, Director of Standard Quota Department of Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development.Chen Zhenfu,Secretary of Party Committee, Executive Director of China National Building Material Group Co., Ltd.,Secretary of Party Committee, Executive Director,General Manager of Tianjin Cement Industry Design & Research Institute Co.,Ltd. and  38 industry experts, members of the establishment group attended the meeting attending the meeting. SRON company attended the meeting as a representative of enterprises in the field of cement bulk material storage and transportation engineering.
First of all, Chen Zengfu delivered a speech on behalf of Tianjin Cement Industry Design & Research Institute Co.,Ltd. and extended a warm welcome to Fan Surong and her delegation. Fan Surong introduced the progress of standardization reform work carried out by the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development since 2016, highly affirmed the work of Tianjin Cement Industry Design & Research Institute Co., the research and drafting process of the Specification, and conveyed the compilation requirements of the full text of mandatory engineering construction specifications.

Yang Gongxiao, Chief Engineer of SRON, participated in this meeting as a member of the Specification preparation team. At the meeting, Engineer Yang introduced the basic situation of SRON and the work carried out as a participating unit, and put forward opinions and suggestions on the relevant content of cement storage and transportation, dust removal system, coal yard inerting system and so on in the Specification. Over the years, SRON has continuously innovated in cement storage and transportation technology and obtained a number of national patents. The selection of the Specification participating units is not only a full affirmation of SRON's technological innovation, but also a high recognition of the company's brand value, services and products. We will have an in-depth understanding of the industry development and standard setting process, improve the technical level, develop new products, and promote the company to make new contributions to the energy saving and green development of the cement industry.
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